Author: Chaonan Chen, Huihui Duan, Au Group ElectronicsAu SAE J1939 Data Center System (DCS) is a system capable of capturing and displaying SAE J1939 data on computer screen. The DCS includes a handheld device (DCB-CAN) and computer software with ease of use graphic user interface (GUI). Respect RS232 extension cable and CAN cable are also available.
1 HardwareThe hardware for Au SAE J1939 DCS is a handheld device (DCB-CAN, as shown in figure 1-1). A CAN cable and a RS232 serial extension cable can be used to connect it with a pc and CAN network.
9 pin “BUS” connector pin-out
1.1. Major Hardware Features
• Size: 3-1/8”L X 1-11/16”W X13/16” H (78mm X 42mm X 21mm)
• Enclosure Color: Black or PC white
• 1 push button
• 2 LED (Power, Comm)
• 1 RS232 Interface: for connection to PC
• 1 DB9 Bus connector: for CAN bus network connection and power supply, the 9 pin DB9 “BUS” connector pin-out is illustrated in figure 1-2
• Power supply: +12V DC, 250mA max
1.2. Hardware Connection
The connection of Au SAE J1939 DCS is illustrated in figure 1-3.
To connect the DCB-CAN to a CAN network and a PC, 2 cables are needed and can be ordered separately:
• RS232 serial extension cable - connect a PC to DCB-CAN on the RS232 side
• 4-wire CAN cable - for power supply and CAN network connection on Bus side. One end of the 4-wire CAN cable is a DB9 connector, which will mate with the “BUS” side on the DCB-CAN, the other end of the cable is pigtail wires which can connect with power supply and CAN network.
The wire color on the CAN cable (CBL-CAN-01) is illustrated in figure 1-3, and also listed in table 1-1.
All necessary items for the DCS hardware connection and their Au Part# are listed in table 1-2.
2 Computer Software with Graphic User Interface (GUI)A computer software with graphic user interface (GUI) is used to display the J1939 data on a CAN network.
After installing the Au Group Electronics provided application file “Setup J1939 Data Center V1.00A”, the GUI will be display (Please see Appendix B for detail information on how to install)
The GUI of DCS composed of 3 areas: Data Display Area, CAN Filters Area, and Control Items area, as shown in figure 1-4.
2.1. Major Software Features• Ease of Use: Capture and display SAE-J1939 message from CAN network without the requirement of decent J1939 knowledge/experience or very complicate configuration settings.
• Composed of 3 areas:
o Control Item area
o CAN Filter area
o Data Display Area
• Display data in hex format or decimal format
• 2 CAN filters available
• Data could be saved either while receiving or after received
o "Copy-to-file" mode saves data directly to hard drive.
o "Save-to" mode saves data after received
• Saved data can be re-load from hard driver
2.2. Control Item AreaThe Control Items area is located in the right upper corner, it includes 6 push buttons (Exit, Start, Stop, Clear Buffer, Load From…, Save To…), 2 check boxes (hex display, Copy to file), and 1 serial port dropdown list, as shown in figure 1-4.
The function of each control item is listed in table 1-3.
2.3. CAN Filter AreaThe CAN Filter Area is located in the lower side, maximum 2 CAN filters are available. Each filter has 8 selective options (defined by SAE J1939 protocol): P, R, DP, srr, exid, PF, PS, SA.
2.3.1. No CAN Filter Enable
If neither of CAN Filter enable check box checked, none of the filter parameters will be activated, and the "Set Filter" push button will not be activated either, as shown in the CAN filter section of figure 1-4.
2.3.2. One CAN Filter Enable
If only one CAN Filter is enabled, the 8 filter parameters for the CAN Filter and the "Set Filter" button will be activate. When any parameter checked, the value for the parameter will then be able to set. For example, when PS checked in CAN filter 1, the value of PS is activated and any valid value can be set into the space, as shown in figure 1-5. The "Set Filter" will then be selectable, click it will set the filter.
2.3.3. Two CAN Filter Enable
If both CAN Filter 1 and CAN Filter 2 are enabled, the 8 filter parameters for both CAN filters and the "Set Filter" button will be activated. When any parameter is checked, its value can then be set. After all parameters are input, click “Set Filter" button will set the filter.
See Appendix A for detail information on how to use CAN filter to display only required data.
2.4. Data Display AreaAu SAE J1939 DCS is able to capture and display the following message of SAE J1939 data: priority, reserved, data page, substitutes remote request, extended identifier, PDU format, PDU specific, source address, parameter group number, data length, and data.
The captured data can be displayed in the Data Display Area, which is located in the upper right corner, as shown in figure 1-4.
The abbreviation, description, and example of each data are listed in table 1-4.
2.4.1. Data Display Format
The captured data can be displayed in either hex format or decimal format.
Hex Format: If the "hex display" in the Control Items area is checked, all data display in a hex format (figure 1-6).
Decimal Format: If the "hex display" in the Control Items area is unchecked, all data display in a decimal format (figure 1-7)
2.4.2. Data Save/Re-load options
Au SAE J1939 DCS has two approaches to save captured SAE J1939 data to files on computer hard drive, and all saved data file can be re-loaded into the Data Display Area:
• Copy data to hard drive while data is receiving– Copy-to-File Function
• Save received data to hard drive after finishing – Save-to-File Function
• Saved data can be re-loaded into Data Display Area – Re-load Function Copy-to-File Function
Check "Copy-to-file"(figure 1-8), "Save As" windows pop up (figure 1-9)
J1939 data can then be saved in *.dat file
Notice that when using "Copy-to-file", only the last line of received data will be displayed in the Data display area (figure 1-10)
The captured data stored in a dedicated data file, which can also be opened and edited by any text edit software, such as a excel program, a notepad program (figure 1-11) etc. Save-to-File Function
Click "Stop" button to stop data transferring
"Save-to" button is active, click "Save-to" button (figure 1-12)
"Save As" window pop up (figure 1-13)
Name the file, and click "Save" button, all data in the Data display area will be saved in a "*.dat" file Re-load file
Saved data can be re-loaded from the hard driver, and displayed in the Data Display Area:
Click "Load From…" button (figure 1-14)
"Open" window pops up, select "test.dat" file, then click "Open" button (figure 1-15)
Data from the "test.dat" file displays in the Data Display Area (figure 1-16)
Appendix A – How to use CAN Filters in Au SAE J1939 DCSA few examples are given here to illustrate how to use the CAN filters in Au SAE J1939 DCS.
Example 1. No CAN filter enabledIn the CAN Filter area, neither of the CAN Filter "Enable" check boxes checked, which means no CAN filter applied, in this case, all data from a SAE J1939 network will be displayed in the Data Display area, as shown in figure A-1.
Figure A-1 No CAN Filter enabled
Example 2. One CAN filter enabled, one parameter appliedThis example shows the steps of enable one CAN filter and one parameter in this filter (SA=3 (Transmission)
Step 1. In CAN Filter area: Check Enable for CAN Filter 1 check SA set SA=3click "Set Filter" button (figure A-2).
Step 2. In Control area: Click "Clear Buffer" to clear the display area click "Start" button to start display data (figure A-3)
Notice that in the Data Display area, only data with SA=003 (which is the transmission) displayed, as shown in figure A-4.
Only Data with SA=003 will be displayed when CAN filter 1 set
Example 3. One CAN filter enabled, two parameters appliedStep 1. In CAN Filter area,
a. check Enable for CAN Filter 1check PF, set PF=254check PS, set PS=242
b. click "Set Filter" button
Step 2. In Control area,
a. click "Clear Buffer" to clear the display area
b. click "Start" button to start display data
Notice that in the Data Display area, all data showing PF = 254, PS =242, PGN=65266 (figure A-5)
Example 4. Two CAN filters enabled Step 1. In CAN Filter area,
a. check Enable for CAN Filter 1check PF, set PF=254check PS, set PS=241
b. check Enable for CAN Filter 2check PF, set PF=240check PS, set PS=001
c. click "Set Filter" button
Step 2. In Control area: Click "Clear Buffer" click "Start" button to start display data
Notice that in the Data Display area, as shown in figure A-6, all displayed data are either with PF = 254, PS =241, PGN=65265 (Cruise Control) or PF =240, PS = 001, PGN=61441(Electronic Brake Controller 1)
Appendix B – How to install Au SAE J1939 Data Center GUIStep 1. Double click Au Group Electronics provided application file “Setup J1939 Data Center V1.00A” to start installation (figure B-1).
Step 2. “Open File –Security Warning” window pops up (figure B-2)Click “Run”
Step 3. “Welcome to the J1939 Data Center Setup Wizard” pops up (figure B-3) click “Next” to continue.
Figure B-3
Step 4. “License Agreement” window pops up (figure B-4) select “I accept the agreement” click “Next” to continue.
Step 5. Select Destination Location, and then click “Next” to continue, as shown in figure B-5.
Step 6. Name “J1939DataCenter” as the Start Manu Folder to place the program’s shortcut click “Next” to continue, as shown in figure B-6.
Step 7. Create additional icons: desktop icon and a quick launch icon click “Next” to continue (figure B-7)
Step 8. Setup is ready, click “Install” to continue, as shown in figure B-8.
Step 9. Setup has finished installation J1939 Data Center on your computer. Check “Launch J1939 Message Center” and click “Finish” to exit Setup, as shown in figure B-9.
Step 10.
Au J1939 Message Center interface pops up (figure 1-4).